Antique shops in Rye

Antique shops in Rye are unique, some specialise in high value, some in specific periods and others offer quirky item which if they do not sell in Rye will often appear in London or the International markets at considerably higher prices.

Many antique shops specialise, you will find military memorabilia, old books, ancient glass, old brass, brown furniture and chandeliers and a great deal more.

If you know of an antique shop not shown below please let us know, it’s free to be listed here.

    The creation of Jonathan Simpson-Boyall who has held a keen interest in antiques for over 40 years. Until recently Jonathan was successfully operating Rye’s largest antique shop. He decided to move away from the high street in favour of a large industrial warehouse just a stones throw from the main shopping area. This location offers two things a ...
  • Puckhaber Antiques
    We’re an established family business with over 30 years experience of the decorative antiques trade.  Operating as a Mother and Son partnership we travel extensive distances throughout the UK and France to source the best examples of French, Swedish and many other continental decorative antiques.  We specialise in original painted furniture, period mirrors of all shapes ...
  • Antiques at Rameslie House
    The shop is an interesting mix of Antiques and musical boxes, what will instantly get your attention is the quality of the items in the shop and that it’s so nicely laid out you can find what you want and yet still find surprises if you delve. Recently Steve finished filming in the shop for the ...
  • Bad Marriage Retro
    I started Bad Marriage by happy accident. Rewind to 2016. I was trying to open an office for, what was then my cleaning business, and buying furniture for it.  I really liked the French industrial look and went to France as often as I could to buy.   Time flew by and the offices never got finished yet they were full ...
  • Needles Antiques Rye
    Located on Cinque Ports street at 15-17 Cinque Ports St, Rye TN31 7AD
  • Wishbarn Antiques Rye
    Wishbarn Antiques Rye
  • Rye Auction Galleries
    Company Director & Auctioneer Kevin Wall is the main Director of Rye Auctions and is the Auctioneer who conducts the sales at Rye Auctions. Always pleased to hear from anyone wanting to put items into auction you can contact the team using the email address below. OUR OFFICE OPENING HOURS: MONDAY – FRIDAY* 8.30 – 4.30 (*OPEN WEDNESDAYS ...
  • McCully and Crane Rye
    Located in Cinque Ports Street this is far more than simply an Antiques shop and the services they offer with regard to design are highly sought after with an impressive client list. You will find nothing like it in Rye or even locally, they have an eye for the unusual and with their contacts have a ...
  • Rye House Antiques
    Eclectic Antique Shop in Rye where Bad Marriage Retro and Stevies Wonders meet Rye House Antiques, Wish Street, Rye, United Kingdom, TN31 7DAHQ@ryeantiques.com07787 409308
  • CM Booth Morgans & Falstaff Antiques
    The main feature is the unique collection of Morgan 3 wheel cars, 11 are normally on display, dating from 1909 to 1935. Other vehicles include: 1929 Ford ‘A’, 1929 Morris Van,1904 Humber tri-car, 1936 Bampton Caravan, 1911 P&M m/c sidecar, 1911 Premier m/c. Bicycles and tricycles, displays of toy and model cars, surrounded with auto-mobilia FALSTAFF ...
  • Trend Antiques Rye
    An eclectic mix of antiques, vintage and modern stuff in 10,000 square feet of warehouses in Rye Trend Antiques is an antique shop based in Rye, East Sussex. Serving local customers and delivering nationwide, we stock an assortment of unique pieces and accessories, including furniture, curios, and collectables. With a high turnover of stock, you’ll usually ...
  • Halcyon Days Rye
    Collectible, vintage fabrics, French sheets and haberdashery, furniture, renovation. We have a lot of fast moving stock so a visit is highly recommended and we are in the middle of a lot of other antique shops with parking outside.
  • Station Antiques Appledore near Rye
    It’s a large place with lots to see, we tried to get a feel for what would be found and went along to see it, HUGE! comes close it’s well worth the short picturesque 10 minute drive drive from Rye. Rare and unusual Antiques You really will be pleased you came to explore Station Antiques, we have ...
  • Alex MacArthur Interiors
    A luxury 14th century converted Monastery catering to the creative industries. A sacred backdrop to your events and shoots. +44 (0) 1273 681 773M: +44 (0) 7931 765 The MonasteryConduit HillRyeTN31 7LE