Rother Responders, your local Community First Responder Scheme, are a team of volunteers who have been trained to respond to emergency calls through the 999 system in conjunction with South East Coast Ambulance Service. You can read more about them here
Rother responders has been working with local communities to fundraise and place public access defibrillators in the area. You can find a list of the defibs here.
To contact Rother First responders about fund raising please visit
If you want to do a fund raising event this is a very worthy local cause
See if you can you perform CPR CLICK here
Public Access Defibrillators (PAD)
In the UK approximately 30,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest outside hospital and are treated by emergency medical services every year. A patient’s chance of survival decreases by around 14% per minute without defibrillation following a Cardiac Arrest. As such it is vital that emergency medical treatment begins as soon as possible.
If defibrillation is delivered promptly, survival rates as high as 75% can be achieved.
The UK Resuscitation Council suggests an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) should be available wherever medical treatment is more than 5 minutes away.
When a Cardiac Arrest 999 call is received in the ambulance control room, the operator will be aware of the nearest PAD site. If the PAD is close enough to the location of the patient they will ask someone to go to the PAD box and return to the patient with the defibrillator. Once back at the patient, the relative / bystander will be given instructions over the phone detailing how to turn on the machine and apply the defibrillator pads to the patient. The AED will also give easy to follow instructions at each step to assist you.
We are now actively involved in the placement of Public Access Defibrillators and can see the locations we have installed them by visiting Our PAD Locations page. If you are interested in working with us to install a PAD site, please get in touch with our PAD Coordinator, Jon Padovani, by using the Contact Us page.