By Road
Rye is situated on the A259 between Hastings to the west and Folkestone to the east and on the A268 from the north. Visit for a details route planner to Rye from your starting destination.
From London/M25, take the A21 or M20 and follow signs to Rye. Upon arrival, follow the signs to any one of the numerous car parks in town.
By Train
Trains depart from London Charing Cross, London Bridge, St Pancras (High Speed Link) and Waterloo East (change at Ashford International for Rye) approx 1 hour 5 minutes. Trains also depart from London Victoria and Gatwick Airport (change at Hastings for Rye). Journey times may vary at different times of the day so do check before and after your preferred time.
Currently the quickest journey from London to Rye is 46 minutes making Rye a comfortable commute to London well under the hour whilst allowing considerably more living space and a better quality of life for the same size mortgage.
Rail information: is available on 08457 484950 or see
By Bus
Bus enquiry line: 08456 002299
By Coach
Coaches are of course very welcome in Rye. (Avoid Deadman’s Lane as it is very narrow). There are ample parking places in the town for coaches in a specially designated area adjacent to the BR station (TN31 7AB). There are also plenty of extra parking at Harbour Road call 01797 224778 for more details.
Coach Park next to Railway Station, and A259 outside Heritage Centre on Strand Quay SET DOWN POSTCODE: TN31 7AB COACH PARK ADDRESS: Next to Railway Station COACH PARK POSTCODE: TN31 7AB ROUTES4COACHES: At the A259 Strand Quay Roundabout, turn into Wish Street, follow the one way system into Ferry Road. Take 1st right into Crown Fields.
The Coach Park is next to the Railway Station.
Charge per day:
Easter – October £12 per day October – March £5 per day
Rye Farmers Market is on a Wednesday morning 10am-2pm at Strand Quay. Rye General Market is held on a Thursday.
By Sea
The Harbour of Rye is open to visiting boats. For more information contact the Harbour office: 01797 225225 or email
By Air
International flights
Gatwick (LGW) under 90 Minutes from Rye
Lydd Airport is about 20 Minutes from Rye with frequent daily short haul flights to Le Touquet in France. Private planes and Helicopters can fly into Lydd Airport 01797 322400
By Helicopter
There is one helipad close to the town centre free to those staying at the venue in all case landing is PPR
See Helipaddy for more details see the venue, you can also stay there
By Bicycle
Rye can easily be reached using National Cycle Network Route 2. Hire Cycles in Rye from Rye Hire on 01797 223033
For further information contact Sustrans Information Line: 0845 113 0065
or email see also or call East Sussex County Council: 01273 482 652 email may also be of value to you.
Ask your accommodation providers about secure storage for your bicycles as many are happy to oblige. Cycles can also be hired from Rye Hire.