Defibrillators Location Rye Area are listed below
Please support Rother Responders who are Volunteer members of the community who are trained to respond to emergency calls through the 999 system in conjunction with South East Coast Ambulance Service.
Rye Cricket Club have one at TN31 7LP
Rother First Responders are listed here
Secamb have on at the Hub on the Hill visible on the wall on the left as you enter from Rye Hill and then turn left into their car park.
Rye Harbour Village hall has one mounted on the wall outside TN31 7TR
These are from
The George Hotel on the wall in Lion street
The Mermaid Hotel on the wall near the car park
The Heritage Center on the wall near the front door
Rye Lawn Tennis Club near the club front door
Rye Sports Centre by the front door
Tilling Green Newsagents on the wall outside